My story, my legacy.
Serial entrepreneur with multiple prestigious diplomas, founder of FC IMD, ShopMate, LiVert apps, and API, CEO of Global AI Assembly, COO Podspace/Spread, Early stage start-up coach (from idea to real business), an expert in business lobbyist/broker, network building, public affairs, strategic analyst, international relations, storytelling, independent journalist and writer, speaker, lecturer, supported by a broad knowledge of administration, international lawsocial and political sciences and the art of public communication.
From Zero to Network Hero in Silicon Valley - Coming Soon ! (Unpublished)
(Approximate Price)
Guide book to develop your network not in number but in meaningful relationship that help you in your professional and personal growth !
The working title is "From Zero to Network Hero", how to Build Meaningful Connections Without Money or Contacts in Silicon Valley and Beyond : A Silicon Valley Tale of Connection and Self Growth." This book is a vibrant blend of personal narrative, practical advice, and insightful strategies, all set against the backdrop of the dynamic and often intimidating world of networking.
Positioning: "From Zero to Network Hero" is uniquely positioned as both a personal growth guide and a networking manual, distilled through the lens of Silicon Valley's innovative culture. It stands apart in its ability to weave personal experiences with actionable strategies, making networking relatable and achievable for everyone.
The book takes readers on a journey, showcasing how to navigate the nuanced art of building meaningful connections in a world where relationships are increasingly pivotal to professional success.
Approximate shipping :Ships 2024-08.View more details...QuantityComing soonThe story of Feliana Citradewi
Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feliana Citradewi is a passionate entrepreneur with a multitude of achievements in numerous domains. Founder of the start-up LiVert, which is disrupting the e-commerce sector, as well as its predecessor ShopMate, CEO of Global AI Assembly, COO Podspace/Spread, in parallel she promotes international business relationships through FC IMD consulting. Co-founder of Women Circle Club and Vice-President of Asian Female Founder Foundation as well as President of honour of FemmEntreprendre.
She was a former consultant and business manager at Randstad consulting subsidiary Uno&Company, a corporate communication manager for the CEO of L'Oreal group, a project manager for an open government program at the OECD, a project manager at Préfecture and mayor office at Ardennes department, as well as a consultant at Fitch ratings.
She started her journey in France by studying Public law, then pursued double degrees twice: firstly a Master of International law & Master of Political sciences at SciencesPo;
secondly, she graduated from Sorbonne and the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), where she was the first Indonesian woman who had ever entered this prestigious school where most French presidents and ministers were educated. Finally, she also did online courses in Philosophy from MIT, in Negotiation from HEC, Business Creation Engineering from VentureLab and English classes at Oxford colleges.Besides serving as an immense pride for herself and her family, the multiple courses allowed her to deepen her understanding related to government decision-making and the impact of private/public policies, and allowed her to become an expert on public affairs and international matters.
While working on difficult challenges, her driver is the Indonesian proverb "Diligence is the beginning of brilliance."
In a perpetual quest for meaning, Feliana would be keen to pass on the ecological values instilled by a mother from the Borneo forest, as well as contribute to creating wealth and its more fair distribution in the world. Thus, she is open to any opportunities that would be a stepping stone for that purpose through her professional and personal projects.
Her Motto
What is worse than not succeeding is regretting your life knowing you’ve never had the courage to try.
One of her project
The start-up she founded
ShopMate & LiVert
The pioneer of online delivery pooling in order to get free and greener shipping
She built a startup LiVert to disrupt the way we consume in e-commerce in a cheaper, more sustainable way, with a collective power that puts humans in the center, using a unique matching algorithm. She began with ShopMate as a B2C solution and LiVert as a B2B solution to democratize the use of the solution to allow people to save money while reducing their environmental impacts while introducing human contact in e-commerce.
She received numerous appreciation for this projects
- The Winner of 9th Women Startup Competition, Other Countries 2023
- The Winner of 9th Women Startup Competition, Milano 2023
- 2nd Winner of VivaTech at My Global Village Pitch competition CES 2024
-2nd Winner of VivaTech at My Global Village Pitch competition Tech4Retail 2023
- The French post office La Poste's laureate at VivaTech Paris Pitch and were chosen by a tech journalist as 2nd favorite startup 2023
- 2nd Winner of Tech4Good at Cannes Film Festival 2023
- Finalist of French American Business Award category "Start-up of the year" 2023
- Finalist of Female Entrepreneurship made in 92 in "Impact category" at 92 department Paris area 2023
- Finalist of Woman future creator in Paris and received a subsidy from Paris city
- Winner of ORANGE "Woman Entrepreneur" Season 5 in 2023, Finalist of Woman in Techby La Poste 2022
- Finalist of CIC Bank Business Award for the “START” category 2021.
- The winner of Miss Mandarine 2022, Finalist of IT TUESDAY/GO INVEST
We received a grant from the French government for an innovation project through BPI France bank.
The start-up is incubated at Station F through a program of Creative Valley, Euratechnologies, Pépinière27, as well as international programs such as Mass Challenge, MARL 5G Accelerator USA and IoT Tribe UK.
She is mentioned in some medias :
- https://www.uschamber.com/assets/documents/USCC_TANZANIE_COMPLET.pdf
- https://essentiel-int.com/usa-2024-une-election-inedite-et-historique/
- https://holistic-customers-022612.framer.app/
- https://www.lesechos.fr/weekend/planete/avec-livert-feliana-citradewi-mutualise-les-frais-de-livraison-2089734
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DkED8nTMC8
- https://www.celsa-alumni.com/fr/page/candidats-2024
- http://www.essentiel-int.com/index.php/article/article2/1042.html
- http://www.essentiel-int.com/index.php/article/article2/1046.html
- http://www.thefaba.com/categories--nominees.html
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-startup-landscape-on-july-8-palo-alto-sponsored-dinner-tickets-937161945607?aff=oddtdtcreator
- https://www.lesclesdudigital.fr/feliana-citradewi-invente-le-groupement-de-commandes-en-ligne/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hMi2lYzsPI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3KUqPXg-iI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIoG5HzfSZ0
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-circle-club-edition-special-forbes-tickets-894765697287?aff=erelexpmlt
- https://x.com/APIdaysGlobal/status/1732898752984150236?s=20
- https://www.apidays.global/paris/
- https://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/commerce/1497597-livraison-eco-responsable-le-comparatif-des-solutions/
- https://reseau-alumni.insp.gouv.fr/news/feliana-citradewi-premiere-femme-indonesienne-dans-un-cycle-international-long-de-l-insp-85
- https://pozi.io/competitions/9thwmnstrtpcmpttnmln
- https://www.myglobalvillage.com/events/1789/palmares
- https://www.elevatewomeninstem.com/wall-of-inspiration/page/13/
- https://www.vestbee.com/blog/articles/startups-of-the-month-march-2024
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kquo2Eu4uKU
- https://www.startmeup.fevad.com/voir/219838-livert-france/?back=/annuaire/%3Fp%3D2
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pepiniere27_shopmate-activity-6727886378509602816-gULU?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- https://lespepitestech.com/startup-de-la-french-tech/shopmate
- https://www.strategies.fr/actualites/marques/LQ800539C/ces-start-qui-brillent-dans-l-e-commerce.html
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Guide of Investment for Gabon 2024
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Guide of Investment for Tanzania December 2022 for U.S-African Summit in Washington D.C
- Ongoing book of " From Zero to Network Hero : How to Build meaningful connections without Money or contacts in Silicon Valley "
- Les Echos, " impact entrepreneur : Avec LiVert, Feliana Citradewi mutualise les frais de livraison " 2024
- Essay Book on going "The choice of electoral communication and democracy in Indonesia" 2022 by l'Harmattan.
- USA 2024 - An unprecedented and historic election that could redefine American politics.
-Les Français et le smartphone - A look into the delicate balance between dependence and regulation, and what the future holds.
- L'OTAN (co-author with Clovis Maîtrot ) - Are we prepared for a potential conflict with Russia?
- Mia Mottley (co-author with Rafik Ammar) - Highlighting the powerful environmental voice of Barbados' Prime Minister.
- Le Guyana - An upcoming feature on the country’s extraordinary economic growth under its presidential leadership duo.
- Vision politique et orientation stratégique - Insights into the political vision of Burundi's President.
- A new strategy for international cooperation - How Burundi stands at a crossroads, looking towards new paths for growth.
- Community development - A global perspective on health in Burundi.- Journalist of articles about : Ecological planification of France, G77, Strategic coopération between Kazakhstan and France, Kazakhstan, the place for central economy of EU, Derna : climat change impact to that city for the magazine l'Essentiel des relations internationales edition December 2023.
- Journalist of articles about G20 in Indonesia and the use of 49-3 law in France for the magazine l'Essentiel des relations internationales edition December 2022.
- Paris Initiative Entreprise (PIE) website as the finalist of the innovation award 2022
- Medium article about LiVert and the use of startup tool December 20, 2021
- Blog of Camille Blonde & Enquêtrice about ShopMate October 29, 2020
- Sorbonne Junior Conseil article about sustainable entrepreneurship 2020
- The Indonesian National newspaper Kompas in the article " Feliana Citradewi: The first Indonesian Woman who enter ENA" on September 13, 2019
- Article in France Alumni as Indonesian Alumni of ENA on April 20, 2017
- Article in French Debating Association (FDA) as a teacher of Campus Frateli HEC on October 3, 2016
- The Publication in L'Oréal Finance about Social beauty
- Article in Ardennes States service letter of Préfecture about Feliana Citradewi joining the service on September 8, 2015
- Fitch Rating Reports about "Preferred Creditor Status" and "Callable Capital" in 2013
- BPK Penabur magazine Jakarta as the winner of British Council competition with Pangus Ho the winner of the gold medal of International Physics Olympiad August 22, 2013
- Oxford House College Magazine as the winner of the year's English Writing Competition on October 26, 2009
- We Love Broadway Brochure as an artist of 42nd Street Production at Mars 24, 2009
- 2007: Article about youth in The Jakarta Post newspaper on September 16, 2007 (Article about a trip to England).
- 2007: Youth article in The Jakarta Post newspaper on August 5, 2007 (Article about winning a competition at the British Council)
- 2007: Success Story page in Mom & Kiddie Tabloid, April 23, 2007
- 2007: Profile of outstanding students in Sinar IndonesiaNewspaper, March 1, 2007
- 2001 : Entertainment Page in Kemajuan Newspaper
And Many more...
Conferences, Speakers & Judges
- Jury for CES Las Vegas Pitch session Tech4 WEB3, Crypto, Blockchain, Metaverse, Tokenisation 2024 with My Global Village, Las Vegas, USA.
- Speaker at International Conference about " Global Startup Landscape " at Multiverse, Palo Alto, USA 2024
- Lecturer for the Female Leaders program at the Institut National du Service Public (formerly : Ecole Nationale d'Administration/ENA), "The Role of Networking as Carreer Accelerator" 2024
- Speaker at "Women's equlity day" about "Gender equlity on the workplace" organized by the UWI UK and sponsored by UStech solutions, 2024
- Speaker at Minister of development BUMN/ Taspen at Jakarta Convention Center about "General Data Potection Regulation", Jakarta, Indonesia 2024
- Moderator at "Virtual Academic Dialogue Indonesia Sustainability Forum" organized by Minister of maritime and infrastructure of Indonesia, 2024
- Co-founder, Moderator & Organisator of Women Circle Club in Paris mayor office about women entrepreneurship for International Women's Day & Special FORBES, Paris, France 2024
- Representative of Parisian startup with French delegation to Wuxi International Month and Cherry Blossom Festival, Wuxi, China 2024
- Speaker Panel at Total 20 years of scholarship program, Paris France 2024
- Jury for Hackaton EPITA high tech startup projects, Paris, France 2024
- Jury for oral admission at EDC business school for Grand Ecole program, Paris, France, 2024
- Jury for oral admission at ESIEE engineering school Paris, France 2024
- Key note Speaker at Diaspora Interactive Dialogue "Empowering Indonesia's Entrepreneur Ecosystem and Network", Amstardam, Netherland 2024.
- Guest Lecturer of "AI and business" at IODSE (International Organization for Development and Social Entrepreneurship) Marocco 2024
- Guest Lecturer at University of l'ESIEE Paris, MOTIS program "Entrepreneurship and Business Creation", " Introduction to GDPR in business and start-up"
- Speaket at Internation Apidays Paris " The impact of API in e-commerce" at La Défense, Paris, France 2023
- Speaker at International Conference about " Sustainability across the Globe" at Multiverse, Palo Alto, USA 2023
- Certified Lectureur at University of Taruma Negara Jakarta " Introduction of International Law", Jakarta, Indonesia 2023
- Lectureur about Affiliate Marketing for Deputy of north jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia 2023
- My Global Village country manager for Indonesia from 2023
- Co-founder and Vice President of AAPI Female Founder Foundation 2023
- Jury for Vivatech Pitch session My Global Village 2023 for AI, Data, ICT innovation, GreenICT
- Mass Challenge U.S mentor for Early Stage Accelerator 2023
- Jury for Cannes Film Festival Pitch session Tech4Movie 2023 with My Global Village, Cannes
- Speaker at round table Hangzhou-Paris Investment Conference at the Paris Mayor's office 2023
- The Honorary President of FemmeEntreprendre 2023
- Participate at CES in Las Vegas 2023
- Participate in Woman in APIs day round table about gender equality in tech
- Jury of Mass challenge Israel program 2022 Fintech, Early stage and Health Tech 2023
- Round table speaker for École Nationale d'Administration for the reform of the school and International program 2022
- LG Nova participant for startup event 2022
- Speaker of Europe Connecting Day for Marketplace session "Digitalisation & Decarbonization" 2022.
- Speaker at Sustainability and Net Zero at London Tech Week 2022 & Retail Tech-Tech game.
- Speaker for Publicist Media Connect about Zero Waste, green product, group delivery, responsible consumption and environmental impact 2021
- Key Noté Speaker at Smak 3 penabur 2020-2022
- Speaker of Sustainability Webinar about impact entrepreneurship in sanitary crisis in Sorbonne 2021
- Guest Speaker at Business Talk Radio about Startup in 2021
- Jury of Skema Business school Paris 2021
- Speaker for business workshop organized by Creative Valley in collaboration with CIC 2021
- International Woman's Day Participant at École Nationale d'Administration about the place of Woman in Pacific Asia 2018
- International Woman's Day Participant at Ministry of Foreign Affair 2016
- Guest Teacher for International Law for Untar University 2016
- Speaker for Rotarry Club about Indonésia in 2016
- Debate Teacher of Campus Frateli at HEC
- Debate Judge for French Debating Association at École des Mines ParisTech, Sorbonne and Polytechnic X.
- Responsible of the OECD and Indonesian government, in charge of gathering the southeast Asia ministries for the open government conference in Jakarta. Preparation of the Open Government reviews of Indonesia and Southern East Asia and installation of an operational office of the OECD in Jakarta 2015.
- Member of the campaign Team of President Joko Widodo 2014 (the actual President of Indonesia) in full cooperation with the parliamentary member (Darmadi Durianto) as well as for the Jakarta's mayor election of 2012 and 2017.
- Special unofficial team for Indonesian government lobby to French ministries concerning a confidential matter of bilateral trade interest in 2015.
- Facilitate and accompany the Indonesian Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform for the visit and conclude the MOU with the Ecole Nationale d'Administration/ENA of France in 2014
- English Speech and debate instructor for the département of national education ministry at Winsor English course 2008
- English Teacher at Tunas Muda Kindergarten 2008
- English Consortium Représentative for debate in Jakarta 2007
- Computer Tutor for Microsoft class package for C program 2007.
- International Law Seminar Participant by Australian Ambassador in Untar University Lecture 2006
- Best Participant of Journalism Training by the Jakarta Post 2006
- Computer training at Pelita Harappan 2006
- Trainee Judge for English debate competition at BINUS university 2005
- Ambassador of Senior High School MTV on Sky 2003-2005
And many more amazing events
People I met all along my journey..
- The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa bin Hamad bin Abdullah bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani and his wife Sheikh Moza bint Nasser Al-Missned at Academie Français for her innauguration as academician 2009.
- The President of France, Emmanuel Marcon at Station F Franco tech 2024
- The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo at the Jakarta Campaign 2014
- The President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the OECD 2015
- The President of Greece, Alexis Tsipras for the Keynote at the OECD in 2015
- The Secretary General of United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, key note to urge OECD countries to engage on development goals 2015
- The Secretary General of the OECD, Angel Gurria in the Opening of Jakarta Office of the OECD in 2015
- Deputy Minister for Development Funding Affairs of Indonesia, BAPPENAS, Wismana Adi Suryabrata at open government conference Jakarta 2015
- Mission Director, USAID/Indonesia, Andrew Sisson at open govenment conference Jakarta 2015
- Deputy Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development (OECD), Luiz De Mello at Open Government conference Jakarta 2015
- Sir Charles Humfrey, the British Ambassador gave me the prize for national winner for British Council 2006
- Sir David Ritchie at International Law Seminar by Australian Ambassador in UNTAR Lecturer class 2007
- The Ambassador of UK for Ivory Coast, Deputy High Commissioner and Permanent Representative to the UN, British High Commission Nairobi, Josephine Gauld
- French politician, diplomat and academic administrator, Member of European Parliament, Nathalie Loiseau
- Indonesian Deputy, Darmadi Durianto for the official campaign team of Joko Widodo
- French Deputy, Christian Kert for the interview at French Parlement in 2013
- French Deputy, Henri Labreayel in a evening of Chico gypsy performance 2022
- French Deputy, Stephanie Do, the conference of the place of Woman in Southern Asia at Ecole Nationale d'Administration 2017
- The Minister of Foreign Affaire of Indonesia, Hassan Wirajuda in an official collaboration with Ecole Nationale d'Administration 2014.
- The Minister of Tourism Indonesia, Sapta Nirwandar, in a collaboration of lobby for Indonesia-France 2016
- The French Minister of education and vocational training, Carole Grandjean, at EnMarche party event 2023
- The French Minister of cities and housing, Olivier Klein, at EnMarche party event 2023
- The Minister of Public Transformation, Stanislas Guerini in a cocktail party of Ecole National d'Administration Association, Servir 2022.
- The Minister of Foreign Affaire, Jean Marc Ayrault for the graduation ceremony of Ecole Nationale d'Adminsitration at Minister of Foreign Affaire 2016
- The Minister of Justice of Mali, Moumouni Guindo at Ecole Nationale d'Administration 2016
- The Ambassador of France for Indonesia, Jean-Charles Berthonnet 2018
- The Ambassador of Indonesia for France, Hotmangaraja Panjaitan 2017
- The Ambassador of Gabon in France, Hugues Soundat-Boutamba in a Cocktail of Ecole Nationale d'Administration 2022
- The Ambassador of France for Canada, Kareen Rispal in a commission for gender equality at Ecole Nationale d'Administration 2022
- The Mayor of Hangzhou, Yao Gaoyuan and organizing the official visit and cooperation with Station F Paris 2024
- The Mayor of Wuxi, Zhao Jianjun at Wuxi international conference with French official delegation 2024
- The Mayor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama in his campaign 2014
- The Mayor of Charleville-Mézière, Boris Ravignon in his office 2016
- The Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini at the OECD conference 2015
- The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo at green garden planting event Paris 2015.
- The CMO of Microsoft, Chris Capossela at Station F Conference 2022
- The CEO of Free Mobile, Xavier Niel at Create Zone at Station F 2022
- The entrepeneur and Autor, Andreas Avelinos Ramos in his house in Silicon Valley 2022.
- The entrepreneur and Autor, Chairul Tanjung at the privat event of Trans hotel Bandung with the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 2012
- The President of Commerce and Industry Chamber, Soumia Malinbaum at the CCI event of IT Tuesday and the lauching of GO Invest 2022
- The President of Mass Challenge, Caitlin Reimers Brumme in Jerusalem finalist 2022
- The French Academician and photograph, Lucien Clergue as a model in 2009-2015
- The co-founder of OpenAi and the creator and Mastermind of ChatGpt, Ilya Sutskever at "The legendary Alto and Research at the Edge" Computer History Museum 2023
- The founder of Khosla Venture and co-founder of Sun Microsystem, the 567 billionaires of Forbes, Vinod Koshla at Global Conference 2023
- The CSO of Microsoft, Eric Horvitz, at "The legendary Alto and Research at the Edge" Computer History Museum 2023
- The First Builder of Microsoft Office, Charles Simonyi, at "The legendary Alto and Research at the Edge" Computer History Museum 2023
- The First Builder of Personal Computer, Butler Lampson, at "The legendary Alto and Research at the Edge" Computer History Museum 2023
- The US Businessman, investment banker and podcaster "The Silicon Valley", Shawn Flynn, 2023 at Philz coffee
- The first employee of Apple who builded Apple 1 & 11, businessman and Steve Jobs roommate, Daniel Kottke
- The French Businessman, podcaster of Silicon Carne, Carlos Diaz, 2023 at Shack15
- The Matriarch, regenerative multi-disciplinary artist, serial entrepreneur, and curator who considers the intersection of human rights, Asya Abdrahman, 2023 at the Park James Hotel
- The French Businessman, Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, the president of Fimalac group in his office three times 2015-2021
- The French Businessman, the owner of Emile Garcin luxury Real estate in his house for a photo session with Lucien Clergue 2012
- All members of the Real Gypsy King in my house at Arles, France 2008
And many more amazing and inspiring, public figures, founders, artists, smart and kindhearted people that I cannot Listed here...
Competitions were her youth addiction
- Best Delegate for Model United Nations Istanbul 2014, Kadir Has
- Winner of British Council Writing Competition 2007
- Mostactive participant in journalism training by The Jakarta Post 2007
- 1st winner of English National Debate Competition at Kanisius High School 2007
- The Absolute Winner of National Business Competition at University of Business S1 2006
- Finalist of National Education Department Speech Contest 2007
- Silver Medal for Movie Reference in English and Bronze Medal for Social Coursepresentation at the 2006 Olympics
- Finalist of British Parliamentary debate at the University of Indonesia 2006
- 3rd place in National Economic Competition at UNTAR University 2006
- Semifinalist in Accounting Competition YAI University 2006
- 1st place in Theater Competition at SMAN 14 2006
- 1st winner of English Debate at Tarakarnita II High School 2006
- 2nd place of English Debate at Labschool High School 2006
- 2nd place in Science Debate Competition at SMAK 4 Penabur 2006
- Finalist of DEPDIKNAS National Thaatre Competition 2006
- 3rdWinner of English Debate in SMAK 5 Penabur 2005
- Semi-finalist of National Economic Debate Competition at University of Indonesia 2005
- 5thWinner of English Debate at SMAK IPEKA SUNTER 2005
- Top40 of National Medical Competition at University of Indonesia 2005
- 3rdWinner of Indonesian Debate Competition at SMAK 5 Penabur 2005
- Finalist of National Political Debate Competition at University of Indonesia 2004
- Semi-finalist regional of National Food and Technology Competition at ITB University 2004
- Participant of National Poetry Reading Competition at DEPDIKNAS 2004
- Participant of National Logo Design Competition at UNIPREP College 2004
- Participant of AIDS Council Magazine Competition at Penabur 2003
- Participant of National Mathematics Olympiad at Provincial level 2003
- 1stplace in National Speed Reading Competition at Quantum Studies Competition 2000
-2000-2002 : 13 Trophies and 2 awards fromNational Modeling Competition
- 2000 : National Champion of Quantum Learning Competition
And many more...
Other things I enjoy
- Theater (Co-founder of 42nd street Production for Broadway performance in Jakarta, performance of "Europe" at Avignon University in France, performance of "Les Justes, Albert Camus" at Ecole Nationale d'Administration, France)
- Photography model of the Academicien, Lucien Clergue
- National teenage catwalk
- Podcasting " La Vie et Start Up" & " My Journey to Valley " (Link below)
- Painting, Dancing, Cooking, Traveling, and Singing... in the bathroom only !
Media Cover
Let's get in touch!
A simple conversation can starts many beautiful memories...
silicon valleyWhenever I'm available, you are welcome!Call only when it is urgent ^^
Check out my links ==========>
©2024 by Feliana Citradewi